Monday, February 20, 2006

A Dinner Club with a Web Twist!

Lin Tarrant and Cheryl Tomaino didn't let the fact that they no longer worked in the same office get in the way of their friendship, and over the years they met regularly for lunch. Eventually, they were joined by their husbands Richard Tarrant and Joe Tomaino for dinner at various restaurants in the New York area. The four of them share an appreciation for good food and an enjoyable setting. The gatherings became monthly, with the couples taking turns selecting a new restaurant and occasionally revisiting a favorite "oldie". In conversations they began referring back to favorite meals and places, and soon they began recording their culinary adventures in a journal. It seemed a shame to collect valuable information on these wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful) places and not share them. So began this web site...a place where everyone can join 4 for Dinner! So have a seat at our table and see what's on the